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En savoir plus sur nos programmes de soutienUn mois après la réélection de Barack Obama, la 11ème conférence annuelle de l"Ifri sur les États-Unis propose de débattre de la nouvelle configuration politique, économique et de politique étrangère du pays avec des experts américains invités pour l"occasion à Paris. Une journée pour mieux comprendre les États-Unis.
De courtes vidéos des interventions et des débats sont disponibles ici. Pour voir les powerpoints des intervenants, cliquez sur "Voir le compte-rendu", ci-dessus.
9:00-10:45 The Political Outlook of President Obama's Second Term
The social and political evolutions of U.S. public opinion as shown by the November vote
John ZOGBY, Senior analyst, JZ Analytics
Will President Obama and the new Congress break the institutional deadlock? Can bipartisanship be renewed?
Corine LESNES, Washington correspondent for Le Monde
The role of the Supreme court in U.S. politics: what can we expect from upcoming decisions?
Jeffrey ROSEN, Law Professor, George Washington University
Moderator: Laurence NARDON, Head of the U.S. Program, Ifri
11:15-13:00 The Economy: How to Bounce Back to Growth?
Can we trust the current signs of a macroeconomic improvement?
Florence PISANI, Economist, Dexia Asset Management
Will the new energy mix boost the U.S. economy?
Antoine HALFF, Head of the Oil Industry and Markets Division, International Energy Agency
Is there a future for blue-collar jobs in America; is re-industrialization possible?
Rob CARNELL, Chief International Economist, ING UK
Moderator: Anne BAGAMERY, European Day Editor, The International Herald Tribune
15:00-17:15 Foreign Policy Issues
15:00-15:30 Keynote Speech
Where does American nationalism stand today?
Anatol LIEVEN, Professor, War Studies Department, King"s College London
15:30-17:15 Foreign Policy: the Major Issues America Faces
Cyber threats and cyber weapons: a U.S. perspective
Thomas RID, Reader, King"s College London
New steps in the U.S. Pivot to Asia
Ely RATNER, Fellow, Center for a New American Security
U.S. perceptions and policies as to the risk of nuclear and ballistic proliferation
Alex LENNON Senior Fellow, International Security Program, CSIS
Moderator: Alexandra DE HOOP SCHEFFER, Director of the Paris Office, German Marshall Fund of the United States
17:15-17:45 Conclusion
The enduring relevance of the transatlantic perspective
Simon SERFATY, Zbigniew Brzezinski Emeritus Chair, CSIS
Contact : [email protected]
Lieu : Ifri: 27, rue de la Procession, 75015 Paris
Organisateurs : Laurence Nardon, responsable du programme États-Unis
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