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En savoir plus sur nos programmes de soutienIn the current context of oil prices drop, new trends are emerging on the global LNG market, both in terms of demand and supply. These dynamics can have a significant impact on Europe, which is also entering a new era in terms of relations with Russia and has to cope with a weak demand. In its recent Communication on the Energy Union, the European Commission announced the elaboration of a comprehensive LNG strategy. This debate aims to understand the EU position on the global LNG markets. How can LNG fully play a back-up role in crisis situations? Can it be spread across Europe? More generally, what role can natural gas play in the European energy policy given the current context?
The Ifri Center for Energy is hosting a roundtable conference with:
Pierre COTIN
Chief Strategy, Development & Marketing Officer, Elengy on behalf of Gas LNG Europe (GLE)
François-Régis MOUTON
Chairman, GasNaturally
LNG Analyst, International Energy Agency (IEA)
Policy Officer, International Energy Market, Security of Supply
DG Energy - European Commission
Chaired by Marie-Claire AOUN, Director of the Ifri Center for Energy
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