Politique étrangère
Founded in 1936, Politique étrangère is the oldest French journal in the field of international relations. Since 1979, it has been published by the French Institute of International Relations.

What is "Politique étrangère"?
Our Editorial Policy
Politique étrangère is a quarterly journal of debate and analysis on major international issues: political, economic and social.
Its ambition is to provide economic and political decision-makers, as well as academics, with in-depth analyses of current international events and perspectives on major global debates, and to serve as a reference tool for the long term.
Each issue features a special report on a particular aspect of the international debate, a "Contrechamps" that sheds light on an international issue with two complementary – or contrasting – analyses, and a number of articles devoted to deciphering current issues.
Politique étrangère also devotes considerable space to French and foreign publications on international relations in its "Readings" section.

Our Editorial Team
Publishing Director: Thierry de Montbrial
Editors-in-chief: Dominique David and Marc Hecker
Editorial board: Alain Antil, Denis Bauchard, Frédéric Charillon, Norbert Gaillard, Thomas Gomart, Tatiana Kastouéva-Jean, Laurence Nardon, Françoise Nicolas, Jean-Luc Racine, Laure de Roucy-Rochegonde, Dorothée Schmid, Hans Stark, Élie Tenenbaum
Editorial secretariat: Amaranta Castanet, Sharleen Lavergne
Write to the editorial secretariat: [email protected]

Circulation Of The Journal
Politique étrangère is available:
- By subscription through Armand Colin (print and digital editions).
- In bookstores via Pollen.
- In ePub on Immatériel.fr.
- On the portal CAIRN.info (digital diffusion, including pay-per-view).
The journal's archives (1936-2004) are freely accessible on the portal Persée.fr.
ISSN: 0032-342 X
Joint Committee (CPPAP): 0525 G 81088
Politique étrangère is published with the support of Centre national du livre.

Our Journal's Evolution
Titre mis en avant
The Leading French Journal
Politique étrangère benefits from a proven reputation and has established itself as one of the world's leading journals. By subscribing to Politique étrangère, you will gain a better understanding of international issues, take part in debates, analyze situations in context and decipher current affairs.
Our subscription offers, in partnership with Armand Colin:
- * Paper + digital: receive your 4 issues of the year and access all articles published since 2007
- * E-only: access all articles in digital format published since 2007
A question or comment: [email protected]

Press coverage

Media Impact
Politique étrangère enjoys a proven reputation as one of the world's leading journals. Numerous articles citing Politique étrangère are regularly published in major French and international newspapers.
See below for the latest press coverage.