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Les élections fédérales d'octobre 2015 au Canada : dynamiques et enjeux

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The federal elections in Canada will take place this coming October 19th, 2015. This ballot could be a turning point in the political life of the country, because it already appears as a referendum to assess the "Harper decade".

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Candidats élections fédérales Canada 2015
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The stakes in this election are different for three main political strengths of the country. For the Conservatives, it will be a matter of keeping the power in order to pursue the reforms engaged since 2006. For Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party, it will be necessary to gain seats in order to forget the 2011 catastrophic defeat and to get back its major opponent title. For the New Democratic Party of Thomas Mulcair, it is necessary to confirm its status of second political strength of the country (since 2011) and to stand out as the only real alternative to Harper. Besides, these elections can highlight again the gaps created by the electoral system inherited from Westminster: between the results on a national scale on the one side, and the final composition of the Parliament (and consequently that of the government) on the other side.

This content is published in French only: Les élections fédérales d'octobre 2015 au Canada : dynamiques et enjeux



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