L’inégalité du Collège électoral aux États-Unis : comment réparer la démocratie américaine ?

Since the start of the 21st century, the flaws of the Electoral College, which completes the election process of the president of the United States by indirect universal suffrage, are the target of stronger than ever criticism.

The structural problems of the US Electoral College - whether its lack of representativeness, the "winner-takes-all" rule, or the weight of swing states - undermine the proper functioning and the legitimacy of American democracy. The real-life consequences of these flaws are critical, and often unfavorable to Democrats, as illustrated by the recent nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. They will also dramatically weigh on the results of the November election.
This content is available in French : L'inégalité du Collège électoral aux Etats-Unis : comment réparer la démocratie américaine ?
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