European Identity/ies
Europe is divided in many ways. Brexit and rising nationalism are striking examples of this existing fragmentation. But what unites us Europeans? The Franco-German Future Dialogue 2019 has met fellow Europeans in thirteen member states of the European Union to discuss questions of identity. Do farmers feel European? What role do languages play? Do European communities exist? Does the "Fridays for Future-Generation" feel European? How diverse are the institutions?

Extra-Europeans and diversity in the European Union
Some of the people that live in Europe weren’t born here, and have cultural roots that are either partly or fully non-European. These who could be described as “extra Europeans”. A number of people with a non-European migration background have chosen to become actively involved in the European project. So what does the European identity mean for these people?
And how diverse are the Institutions of the EU? Do they represent European society?
>> Article soon available in English <<
Milk production in Europe
Please find the French and the German version on our website.
Engagement, convictions and expectations of the "Climate Generation "
Please find the French and the German version on our website.
Plus de langues pour plus d’Europe ?
Please find the French and the German version on our website.
European Feminism?
Please find the German version on our website.
The Cerfa has organised Franco-German Future Dialogue annually since 2007 in cooperation with the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), and is supported by the Robert Bosch Foundation.
⇒ Please find more information on the French and German page of this website, as well as the project's website.