Guerres invisibles - Nos prochains défis géopolitiques

What are the next geopolitical challenges of the century? The global pandemic has altered the equilibrium between Asia and the West and sealed the rift between China and the United States, accentuating the world’s shift towards the East. On this polarized chessboard, two fault lines converge: environmental degradation and technological propagation where the main strategic and economic rivalries are now being played out.

In this captivating essay, Thomas Gomart describes the great movements that are unfolding before our eyes: the return of an aggressive competition of powers, an increase in inequalities and unbridled exchanges. He also highlights the invisible mechanisms that are transforming our planet in depth: financial markets, tax havens, mafias, technological incubators, digital platforms, multinationals, intelligence services ...
To help us better understand the emerging world, he finally analyzes for each subject the "hidden intentions" of the United States, China and Europe, and reflects on the role that France could play in these new "invisible wars”.
Thomas Gomart is an historian and the director of the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) since 2015. He is a member of the editorial boards of Politique Etrangère, La Revue des deux mondes and Études, for which he writes the international column.
Thomas Gomart, Guerres invisibles - Nos prochains défis géopolitiques, Paris, Éditions Tallandier, 317 pages. available in French
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Natacha Crance, head of communications - [email protected]