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Find out more about our donor programsDans le cadre de la Ifri Energy Breakfast Roundtable, un séminaire avec Olivier Appert, président de l'Institut Français du Pétrole, IFP, Neil Hirst, AIE, directeur du département "Technologies de l'Énergie et R&D" et Ioannis Galanis, Commission Européenne, DG Tren, chef adjoint de l'Unité "Charbon et Pétrole".
Programme de la table ronde (pdf 41 ko)
Accéder à l'introduction de Jan Horst Keppler (pdf 48 ko) et aux interventions d'Olivier Appert (pdf 2248 ko), de Neil Hirst (pdf 764 ko) et de Ioannis Galanis (pdf 100 ko).
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Discussion co-chaired by Thierry de Montbrial, Executive Chairman of Ifri, member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, and Marc Hecker, Deputy Director of Ifri (in English without translation).
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In the wake of Donald Trump's re-election in the United States, Europeans face a crucial imperative: rethinking their sovereigny, especially in the technological realm. What will be the strategic priorities and action levers of the new European Commission on this issue? What assessment can we make of the previous Commission’s achievements and challenges in navigating Sino-American technological competition, transatlantic dependencies, and emerging global partnerships?