Germany and Europe in the time of crisis: which convergence?
Practical information
Invitation-only event
Luncheon debatte dedicated to Ifri's corporate members, by invitation only.
With Hans Stark, Researcher, Secretary General of the Study Committee for Franco-German Relations (Cerfa), Ifri
The last European summits, devoted to the eurozone rescue, saw Germany take a leadsership that Angela Merkel has long hesitated to accept. Is this leadership reliable? Does the European policy of Berlin lay on an internal consensus, or do the German eurosceptics risk to impose themselves accross the Rhine? The pro-European commitment of the federal government arouse few enthousiasm in the neighbour states, where some voix s'élèvent, reprochant à la chancelière de confondre leadership et hégémonie. Berlin se voit en outre accusé d'empêcher la BCE de prendre les mesures qui s'imposent.
La "question allemande" est-elle de retour ?
Other events
Navigating War, Reforms, and Secure Future: Ukraine’s EU and NATO Accession Path
Exclusive conve
Lunch debate with Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand
Discussion co-chaired by Thierry de Montbrial, Executive Chairman of Ifri, member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, and Marc Hecker, Deputy Director of Ifri (in English without translation).
North Korea Beyond Nukes: Focusing on the Human Rights Challenge
Debates surrounding North Korea are primarily focused on security issues, particularly nuclear and ballistic concerns, relegating the critical situation of the North Korean population and human rights violations to the background. The lack of information about the real living conditions of North Koreans contributes to the absence of attention and discussion on this crucial issue.