Hong Kong, 20 ans years after the retrocession
20 years after its retrocession to China, the 1st July 1997, what are the political and institutionnal autonomy guaranties for Hong Kong, while Carrie Lam is about to take its lead? How long will Hong Kong youth claim its own identity? What challenges for the World City?

Around Christine Ockrent:
- Jean-Philippe Béja, Director Emeritus for Research at CNRS. He published Hong Kong 1997 : fin du siècle, fin du monde ?, at Editions Complexe in 2016.
- Sebastian Veg, Director of Sudies at EHESS (Ecole de hautes études en sciences sociales), Honorary Professor at Hong Kong University, 20 th century chinese intellectuals specialist. He published in December 2016, "Resisting dissolution: the stalemate between Hong Kong civil society and China’s central government" for the website OpenDemocraty.
- Sébastien Jean, Director of CEPII (Centre d'études prospectives et d'informations internationales), engineer of Ecole Centrale de Paris, he is also Research Director at INRA. He participated in the publication of L’Économie mondiale 2017, edited at La Découverte in 2016.
- Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Director of the Political Science Department of hong Kong Baptist University, Research fellow at Asia Centre. He published L'Administration chinoise après Mao : les réformes de l'ère Deng Xiaoping et leurs limites, at Editions du CNRS in 2017.
- Alice Ekman, Research Fellow, Head of China Research at Center for Asian Studies at the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI), she participated in the publication of Three Years of China’s New Silk Roads: From Words to (Re)action? Reports of Ifri, February 2017.
This content is available in French: Hong Kong, 20 ans après la rétrocession