A Second Wind for States?
With globalization weakening their borders and their sovereignty, are states now marginalized on the global stage?

The debate over “the end of states” might lead us to think so; however, we may be witnessing a proliferation of diverse and contradictory “desires for states” instead. Politique étrangère examines the role and the destiny of these states, which are so different in their history and their context.
States to be rebuilt (Syria, Iraq), wavering but resilient states (Lebanon), states challenged from within (United Kingdom, Spain), states on the verge of collapse (Egypt, Venezuela), and strong states (China under Xi Jinping and its increasingly visible and global strategies): in reality, they all form the only perennial structure on the international stage.
At a time when multilateralism seems challenged and even scorned by the largest among them, the United States, we must ask what is common to all these states, what differentiates them, to imagine what their society of tomorrow might be.
Dancing with States, by Serge Sur
Contemporary Debates on the “End of States”, by Frédéric Ramel
Empires in all their States, by Georges-Henri Soutou
Middle Eastern States: Crisis and Comeback, by Dorothée Schmid
General El-Sisi’s Egypt: Reaction and Revolutionary Aspirations, by Chloé Berger
Can Venezuela Break Out of its Impasse?, by Thomas Posado
Scotland: Nationalism, Immigration, and the Return of Borders, by Fabien Jeannier
The Catalan Crisis: A Definitive Split, by Benoît Pellistrandi
New Chinese Rail Links: A Strategic Undertaking, by Linyan Huang, Frédéric Lasserre and Éric Mottet
Strategy and Freedom of Action, by Vincent Desportes
Shorter Military Interventions: The Concept of the Bridging Operation, by Rémy Hémez
Poland and Germany: How to Cooperate in a “Two-Speed” Europe?, by Dorota Richard
Lebanon: Regional Patronage with a National Straitjacket, by Aurélie Daher
La fin du rêve américain ?, by Lauric Henneton
One Nation After Trump: A Guide for the Perplexed, the Disillusioned, the Desperate, and the Not-Yet Deported, by E. J. Dionne Jr., Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein
All Measures Short of War: the Contest for The 21st Century & the Future of American Power, by Thomas J. Wright
By Laurence Nardon
This content is available in French: "Éditorial de Politique étrangère, vol. 83, n° 1, printemps 2018"
This content is available in French: "Le dossier de presse de Politique étrangère, vol. 83, n° 1, printemps 2018"
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