Transitions from War to Peace
How do we get out of wars? One hundred years after 1918, Politique étrangère’s special report takes up this question from different perspectives in relation to the conflicts in which Western armies, willingly or otherwise, are embroiled.

What is the role of multilateral negotiations? What are its political objectives? What meaning does military victory have in the twenty-first century? What if we were incapable of imagining a withdrawal from certain hostilities—in Africa for example—simply because we do not understand them?
The Contrechamps column outlines several possible futures for Iran, both domestically and in terms of its relations with the major international partners after the exit of the United States from the 2015 nuclear deal. Will the regime survive the economic crisis and the ensuing internal dissent? Will the country veer towards the very active players that are Moscow and Beijing? What will the consequences be for a region in turmoil?
The Saudi Arabia/Qatar crisis one year on; Italy’s political turnaround; the future of an uncertain oil market; the growing fragmentation of Israeli society; Boko Haram in Nigeria: these are some of the topics that feature in this issue.
Beyond the upheavals that it imposes upon our everyday lives, artificial intelligence may well signal a massive reconfiguration of the major international balances in terms of new definitions of power. It is high time we sat up and took note.
Negotiating the Treaty of Versailles: A Lesson in Exactly What Not to Do, by Georges-Henri Soutou
Victory Today, from Transience to Supersession, by Corentin Brustlein
Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Eternal Return?, by François Gaulme
Iran 2028, a Political Reverie, by François Nicoullaud
Understanding the Resilience of the Islamic Republic of Iran, by Pierre Pahlavi (read the article in French: Comprendre la résilience de la République islamique d'Iran)
The 2017 Gulf Crisis, One Year On, by Rachid Chaker
Neo-Nationalists in Power in Rome?, by Christophe Bouillaud
The Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence: the Return of Empires?, by Nicolas Miailhe (read the article in French: Géopolitique de l'Intelligence artificielle : le retour des empires ?)
The Oil Market at a Turning Point, by Marie-Claire Aoun
Israeli Society: Toward Fragmentation?, by Samuel Ghiles-Meilhac
The French Nuclear Capability in a New Strategic Context, by Olivier Kempf
Migrations: the European Deadlock, by Yannick Prost
Jihad and Propaganda Videos: The Case of Boko Haram, by Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos
La Guerre froide de la France. 1941-1990, by Georges-Henri Soutou
By Thomas Gomart
This content is available in French: "Le bulletin d'abonnement à Politique étrangère, vol. 83, n° 3, automne 2018"
This content is available in French: "Le dossier de presse de Politique étrangère, vol. 83, n° 3, automne 2018"
This content is available in French: "Éditorial de Politique étrangère, vol. 83, n° 3, automne 2018"
This content is available in French: "Les lectures de Politique étrangère, vol. 83, n° 3, automne 2018"
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