Ukraine: Between Two Peaces?
We have reentered the world of war. In its first special report, Politique étrangère offers a range of in-depth analyses of the military and political dynamics at work in a Europe that has just woken up from its dream of enduring peace. The direct confrontation between Ukraine and Russia has pitted two military and defense systems against each other, whose asymmetrical logics, strengths, and weaknesses we are discovering as the conflict unfolds.

And beyond the conflict itself, can we envisage the continent on which future Europeans will live? In other words, in what form will the continent emerge? How will Europeans organize themselves amid a confrontation, a fracture, that is likely to escalate and persist? What will the economic consequences be, in particular concerning energy supply, a key issue for all those involved?
Sixty years after gaining independence, encumbered by an unchanging discourse, Algeria is not having the most glorious of anniversaries. The problem lies in a deceptive internal stabilization—the Hirak popular movement has failed to take control of a frozen political system—and a worrying international situation: worsening relations with Morocco, instability in Tunisia, chaos in Libya, destabilization in the Sahel and West Africa. Algeria is clearly a major regional actor, due to its geography and resources. This special report by Politique étrangère explores the Algerian enigma: can the political system survive without major upset, how does Algiers view its role within the region, and how can it work in tandem with other actors, often outside the region?
This issue is available in French only.
Understanding Ukraine’s Resistance, by Hervé Amiot
War in Ukraine: Schumpeter in Sovietland?, by Michel Goya (In French only - Guerre en Ukraine : Schumpeter au pays des Soviets ?)
A New Security Architecture for Europe?, by Dmitri Trenin
Central and Eastern Europe and the Concept of the Sphere of Influence, by Roman Kuzniar
The Impact of the War in Ukraine on the Energy Sector, by Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega
Algeria: An Aggressive Restoration, by Akram Belkaïd (In French only - Algérie : une restauration musclée)
Algeria in Search of its Lost Diplomatic Power, by Kader A. Abderrahim
Algeria and Morocco: Two Visions of Security and Geopolitics, by Riccardo Fabiani
Algeria in the Sahel: Stability and Security, by Yahia H. Zoubir and Abdelkader Abderrahmane
Can the European Union Cool the Relationship Between France and Algeria?, by John O’Rourke
Influence and Inconvenience in International Relations, by Pierre Buhler and Frédéric Charillon
Syria: A Deceptive Frozen Conflict, by Fabrice Balanche
China and the Concept of the Third Pole, by Olga V. Alexeeva and Frédéric Lasserre
Edited by Marc Hecker
Not One Inch: America, Russia, and the Making-Of Post-Cold War Stalemate by Mary E. Sarotte
This review essay is written by Jolyon Howorth
When France Fell: The Vichy Crisis and the Fate of the Anglo-American Alliance par Michael S. Neiberg
Hitler: Only the World Was Enough by Brendan Simms
Europa! Les projets européens de l'Allemagne nazie et de l'Italie fasciste by Georges-Henri Soutou
This review essay is written by Thomas Gomart
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Ukraine: Between Two Peaces?