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United States: The Uncertain Empire

Date de publication
13 March 2023
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The U.S. Political Landscape Two Months Before Midterms. Can the Democrats Avoid Defeat?

Date de publication
12 September 2022

The Biden Administration has succeeded this summer in passing several important pieces of legislation. In addition to progressive societal measures that break with the Supreme Court's rulings, the Administration has focused on the economy and the environment: the CHIPS Act and the Inflation Reduction Act promote the relocation of semiconductor and electric vehicle battery plants.

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The Biden administration in turmoil (video replay)

16 December 2021

Celebrating its 20th edition, Ifri's Annual Conference on the United States convened a first panel on national politics and a second on the evolution of U.S. trade. An exchange between Thierry de Montbrial and Henry Kissinger, 56th Secretary of State, concluded the day. Videos of all interventions are below.

Democratic Deconstructions

Date de publication
10 March 2017

Today’s democratic governments appear less legitimate and their longevity less assured than ever.

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Trump and the Crisis of American Democracy

Date de publication
10 March 2017

Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election is an expression of the crisis of American democracy.

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Hillary Clinton's Email "Scandal": How Will It Affect the Election?

Date de publication
15 June 2016

With the Democratic Presidential Nomination in sight, Hillary Clinton must still contend with a continuous conversation about her email practices. How will this scandal, or non-scandal, affect the presidential race yet to come? A look at the perspectives of the American constituency and pending investigations may predict Clinton's likely future... and the future of the American presidency.

How to Misread Polls

Date de publication
13 March 2014

Poll numbers are the life blood of politics these days. Anything expressed in digits has a claim to truth that assertions without digits cannot make. They inspire confidence - especially among those aspiring to public office - that they actually understand what public sentiment is.


Obama announces "Opportunity Ladder"

Date de publication
14 February 2014

There are moments in life when you receive an unmistakable sign that the game is over. That it’s time to fold your tent, to pull up stakes, to pack it in, to furl the flag, to trim the sails, to let go of a lost cause. At best, to wait for next year. In the extreme, to write it off permanently. And if one chooses to breast the tide, to do so stoically.


Accountability: "Missing In Action"

Date de publication
21 November 2013

Accountability is on the endangered species list. No - not the word. Indeed, “accountability” reverberates around the electronic ether almost as frequently as “thwarking.” It is the reality of persons, especially public persons, taking responsibility for acts of malfeasance in ways that entail exemplary punishment and personal costs.

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Why Hillary?

Date de publication
04 November 2013

Hillary Clinton has been enthroned as the presumptive next President of the United States - by the celebrity mongers, by the trendy Hollywood set, by the media, by the pundits, by the big donors, by Congressional Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer and by the Las Vegas odds-makers. The crystallization of a consensus three years before the event is as intriguing as the questions about what sort of president she would make. 

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Hillary Clinton's Email "Scandal": How Will It Affect the Election?

Date de publication
15 June 2016

With the Democratic Presidential Nomination in sight, Hillary Clinton must still contend with a continuous conversation about her email practices. How will this scandal, or non-scandal, affect the presidential race yet to come? A look at the perspectives of the American constituency and pending investigations may predict Clinton's likely future... and the future of the American presidency.

How to Misread Polls

Date de publication
13 March 2014

Poll numbers are the life blood of politics these days. Anything expressed in digits has a claim to truth that assertions without digits cannot make. They inspire confidence - especially among those aspiring to public office - that they actually understand what public sentiment is.


Obama announces "Opportunity Ladder"

Date de publication
14 February 2014

There are moments in life when you receive an unmistakable sign that the game is over. That it’s time to fold your tent, to pull up stakes, to pack it in, to furl the flag, to trim the sails, to let go of a lost cause. At best, to wait for next year. In the extreme, to write it off permanently. And if one chooses to breast the tide, to do so stoically.


Accountability: "Missing In Action"

Date de publication
21 November 2013

Accountability is on the endangered species list. No - not the word. Indeed, “accountability” reverberates around the electronic ether almost as frequently as “thwarking.” It is the reality of persons, especially public persons, taking responsibility for acts of malfeasance in ways that entail exemplary punishment and personal costs.

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Why Hillary?

Date de publication
04 November 2013

Hillary Clinton has been enthroned as the presumptive next President of the United States - by the celebrity mongers, by the trendy Hollywood set, by the media, by the pundits, by the big donors, by Congressional Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer and by the Las Vegas odds-makers. The crystallization of a consensus three years before the event is as intriguing as the questions about what sort of president she would make. 


The Washington Tea Party

Date de publication
14 October 2013

The near meltdown of the United States government evoked worldwide dismay and confusion. Both reactions were especially acute among America’s well-wishers. For not only would they have suffered the consequences of a global economic crisis but they also feel dependent on the probity of American leadership. That dependence may stem in part from their own failures to assume their reasonable share of responsibility for sustaining an orderly international system - a state of affairs remarkably unaffected by the costly flaws in Washington’s custodianship over the past several years. It is nonetheless real.


The Democratic Party Under Obama and Beyond

Date de publication
30 March 2012

The Democratic Party relies today on very different segments of the U.S. electorate, making it impossible for a Democratic President to sustain long-term public support. In the context of the current campaign, Prof. Nicol Rae provides an analysis of the Party's electoral strategy, since 2008 and beyond 2012.

Disaster in Gulf not a Disaster for Obama

Date de publication
04 May 2010

Pundits argue that the BP accident in the US Gulf is a final nail in the coffin of President Obama’s energy and environment legislation. They conclude that American energy and environment policy will be left in disarray with little hope for key decisions before the crucial Cancun climate change talks.

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference, 2024