Nuclear Energy in the United States: an Appraisal
An interview with William D. Magwood, IV, Director-General of the OECD Agency for Nuclear Energy

What is the share of nuclear energy in the current energy mix in the United States? Will the policies put in place by President Trump and Energy Secretary Rick Perry differ from those of precedent administrations? How does the development of renewables and non-conventional oil and gas impact investment in the nuclear industry?
A seminar was held at Ifri on July 11th, 2017, around William D. Magwood, IV, Director-General of the OECD Agency for Nuclear Energy. Jean-François Boittin, Associate Researcher for Ifri’s Energy Center was the discutant and Dr. Laurence Nardon, Head of the United States Program at Ifri chaired the event.
Watch the video of Mr. Magwood:
See the slideshow used by Mr. Magwood: