The G20 from Seoul to Cannes : Towards a Global Governance Committee

After two years of existence at the Heads of State and Government level, the Group of 20 (G20) has reached a turning point. In this new context, a number of questions need to be addressed-in particular, as to how to ensure the transition from a crisis management body to a global governance committee. How can the G20 solve the legitimacy problems inherent to its structure and nature? How can it address its representativeness deficit? What should be the exact mandate of the Group and how can this mandate be achieved?
These are the questions examined in this note. The objectives of the paper are thus twofold, first to highlight the challenges faced by the G20 as the Presidency is handed from Korea to France, and second to provide suggestions for possible responses.
This paper is published in French only: Le G20 de Séoul à Cannes : Vers un comité de gouvernance mondiale