Populism: In the Heat of the Moment
The UK leaving the EU. Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election. The crushing defeat of Italy's prime minister in a national referendum. 2016 was a year of massive change led by populism. The roots of this trend are widespread, and they involve the ideological divide between the elites of current political systems and ordinary citizens, as well as the widening gaps in social inequality that can be attributed to growing globalization.

In 2017 elections in Europe, populism has seen explosive growth. The French presidential elections begin this month and general elections will be held in Germany this autumn. The year, which began with the inauguration of President Trump, may end in massive changes brought about by these European elections. What effects will the social divides that are driving populism have on Europe and global society? How should we deal with them? This debate is co-hosted with a leading French think tank, the Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI).
Thierry de Montbrial, Founder and Executive Chairman, IFRI
Barry Bennett Founder, Avenue Strategy, Former senior advisor to Trump campaign
Chantal Mouffe, Professor, University of Westminster
William Irigoyen, Journalist, ARTE
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