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Economic Development


Economic development includes not only the idea of growth and enrichment, but also that of an improved quality of life.

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India's Modi heads to Paris as co-chair of AI summit

09 February 2025
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Nikkei Asia

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting France from Monday as co-chair of an international summit on artificial intelligence in Paris that is expected to be attended by industry leaders, including executives from OpenAI and DeepSeek.

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Out of Thin Air but More than a Mirage: The Politics of Saudi Arabia's Nascent Music Industry

Date de publication
18 December 2024

This study critically examines Saudi Arabia’s nascent music industry, which is promoted as a key element of Vision 2030, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s strategic framework to diversify the kingdom’s economy. It explores how state-led investments in music and entertainment intersect with authoritarian governance. The author neither dismisses these investments as conspicuous spending nor reproduces an alarmist narrative of impending cultural imperialism. The article takes a political sociology approach to understand how Saudi entertainment plans consolidate domestic power and reshape regional cultural landscapes.

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How Geopolitical Tensions Reshape Trade Patterns: Geoeconomic Fragmentation, or China’s Big Manufacturing Push?

Date de publication
16 December 2024

A data-based analysis shows that widespread geoeconomic fragmentation of world trade is not visible, at least so far. In contrast, the geopolitically-motivated challenges to international coordination are striking, notably in relation with China's surging surplus in manufactured goods trade.

World Policy Conference Logo

De-globalization or Re-globalization? (World Policy Conference 2024 - Plenary Session)

14 December 2024
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World Policy Conference 2024

Saturday, December 14, 2024 - 17th edition of the World Policy Conference in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Plenary session 3: De-globalization or Re-globalization?

Sébastien JEAN Bertrand Badré Bark Tae-ho Vladislav INOZEMTSEV Pierre JACQUET Kazuto SUZUKI
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Multi-alignment and De-risking: The Global South Response to World Fragmentation

Date de publication
31 October 2024

Turbulences and conflicts threaten the stability of the global order. What is the Global South’s response to these risks?

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The integrated territorial approach (ITA). Hopes and limits of local stabilisation in the Sahel

Date de publication
08 July 2024

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the attacks of 11 September 2001, the proliferation of local conflicts and the partitioning of certain states (Yugoslavia, Somalia) have given rise to external interventions, both bilateral and multilateral, in which the military element has been combined with civil action in innovative ways.

Populism and International Relations

Date de publication
07 June 2024

Populism is flourishing, in Europe and elsewhere: a populist holds power today in Argentina and perhaps tomorrow in the United States. What does its spread say about our societies? And how is it shaping them, where populists rule? Do their economic policies stand any chance of success? Do their foreign policies have a greater impact on the world around them or at home? If “Trump 2.0” comes to be, will he have a free hand? If so, what can we expect?

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Groundbreaking Chip Sovereignty: Europe’s Strategic Push in the Semiconductor Race

Date de publication
31 May 2024

The EU Chips Act’s enactment in September 2023 marks a major policy shift that revitalizes industrial policy in Europe. By allowing state subsidies for semiconductor projects, it has the potential to secure Europe’s supply chain security and technological autonomy in an industry dominated by the US and East Asia.

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Power and Financial Interdependence

Date de publication
03 May 2024

The link between financial self-reliance and geopolitical power has long been debated. The unbalanced Sino-American trade relationship has created asymmetric financial ties which generate potential sources of leverage for both parties and will not quickly disappear. Absent a clarifying major crisis, it will be difficult to definitively determine which party has greater leverage.


As China’s Pacific influence grows, Japan eyes deeper ties with island nations amid their domestic woes

26 February 2024

Japan has supported the region by setting up hospitals, building roads and bridges, and assisting in climate change mitigation and disaster relief. Tokyo’s renewed focus on Pacific nations comes amid regional concern over Fukushima waste water discharge and as Chinese influence grows.

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Out of Thin Air but More than a Mirage: The Politics of Saudi Arabia's Nascent Music Industry

Date de publication
18 December 2024

This study critically examines Saudi Arabia’s nascent music industry, which is promoted as a key element of Vision 2030, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s strategic framework to diversify the kingdom’s economy. It explores how state-led investments in music and entertainment intersect with authoritarian governance. The author neither dismisses these investments as conspicuous spending nor reproduces an alarmist narrative of impending cultural imperialism. The article takes a political sociology approach to understand how Saudi entertainment plans consolidate domestic power and reshape regional cultural landscapes.

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How Geopolitical Tensions Reshape Trade Patterns: Geoeconomic Fragmentation, or China’s Big Manufacturing Push?

Date de publication
16 December 2024

A data-based analysis shows that widespread geoeconomic fragmentation of world trade is not visible, at least so far. In contrast, the geopolitically-motivated challenges to international coordination are striking, notably in relation with China's surging surplus in manufactured goods trade.

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Multi-alignment and De-risking: The Global South Response to World Fragmentation

Date de publication
31 October 2024

Turbulences and conflicts threaten the stability of the global order. What is the Global South’s response to these risks?

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Groundbreaking Chip Sovereignty: Europe’s Strategic Push in the Semiconductor Race

Date de publication
31 May 2024

The EU Chips Act’s enactment in September 2023 marks a major policy shift that revitalizes industrial policy in Europe. By allowing state subsidies for semiconductor projects, it has the potential to secure Europe’s supply chain security and technological autonomy in an industry dominated by the US and East Asia.

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Balancing Security and Innovation: Opposition's View on Turkey's Digital Policies

Date de publication
26 April 2023

The upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey on May 14, 2023, are expected to be closely contested. Polls suggest that the ruling AK Party-led People’s Alliance will lose its majority in parliament, resulting in a hung lower house. 

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Europe in the Geopolitics of Technology: Connecting the Internal and External Dimensions

Date de publication
09 April 2021

To respond to growing global competition, the EU has made notable progress on the internal dimension of technology policy over the past 3 years. It is now also seeking to adapt its foreign policy  from the transatlantic relationship to global partnerships  to technological challenges.

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Defining the Middle Class in the Global South. A Quantitative Perspective from South Africa

Date de publication
13 June 2017

What makes you middle class? Is it your income, occupation, or education? Your family background or maybe the house and neighbourhood you live in? It is probably all of these things. 

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Persistence and Evolutions of the Rentier State Model in Gulf Countries

Date de publication
23 April 2015

A general economic model of understanding Middle Eastern states was elaborated by political scientists around the 1980’s, based on the concept of rent as a factor of wealth around which the economic model as much as the governance of energy-rich countries was re-organized. The particular case of GCC’s countries as rentier state has been at the cornerstone of this concept since they own the most important share of energy resources in the world.

Establishing the Rule of Law: the U.N. Challenge in Kosovo

Date de publication
29 June 2012

Created on the 10th July 1999 by Security Council Resolution 1244, UNMIK was responsible for restructuring the institutions of a country devastated by war and establishing democratic governance. The security of people and goods and the existence of a legal system trusted by the population were two crucial prerequisites to the state-building process.

Jean-Christian CADY

Is Turkey an Economic Exception?

Date de publication
13 December 2011

This roundtable dealt with the specificities of Turkey"s economy, which is completing major economic achievements in particularly difficult times. François Faure analyzed the risks of an economic backlash following the European crisis; Turkey appears indeed in a weaker position than in 2008 and difficult times could lie ahead. Esen Çağlar pointed out how Turkey progressed from a low-technology to medium-technology economy, thus ensuring considerable levels of growth. Yet, a renewed reform agenda is needed if Turkey wants to maintain its economic performance. Deniz Ünal addressed the issue of economic governance under the AKP and the consistency of their economic policy agenda. In any case, Europe will most certainly play a role in the country"s economic future. According to Rémi Bourgeot, the Middle East cannot provide an alternative to European markets even if it offers interesting opportunities for the Turkish South East. Turkey"s future growth will also depend on its capacity to impose itself as a corridor between Europe and its neighbours energy resources.

Nikkei Asia
Image principale médiatique

India's Modi heads to Paris as co-chair of AI summit

09 February 2025
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Nikkei Asia

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting France from Monday as co-chair of an international summit on artificial intelligence in Paris that is expected to be attended by industry leaders, including executives from OpenAI and DeepSeek.


As China’s Pacific influence grows, Japan eyes deeper ties with island nations amid their domestic woes

26 February 2024

Japan has supported the region by setting up hospitals, building roads and bridges, and assisting in climate change mitigation and disaster relief. Tokyo’s renewed focus on Pacific nations comes amid regional concern over Fukushima waste water discharge and as Chinese influence grows.

World Policy Conference Logo

De-globalization or Re-globalization? (World Policy Conference 2024 - Plenary Session)

14 December 2024
Nom du journal, revue ou émission
World Policy Conference 2024

Saturday, December 14, 2024 - 17th edition of the World Policy Conference in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Plenary session 3: De-globalization or Re-globalization?

Sébastien JEAN Bertrand Badré Bark Tae-ho Vladislav INOZEMTSEV Pierre JACQUET Kazuto SUZUKI

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference, 2024
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Economic questions are approached from a political economy perspective: the evolution of the global economic system, governance and institutions, dynamics and trends of various economic zones (United States, Russia, China, emerging markets...). European issues are at the core of our research. 

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Economic Growth Graph
(c) Shutterstock