Falling Oil Prices: a stress test for the US Shale Oil and the Global Market
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En savoir plus sur nos programmes de soutienThe wide development of the US oil production these last few years has undoubtedly brought major changes on the oil market, reducing significantly the US imports of crude oil, increasing the American exports of petroleum products and changing more globally the trade flows. Since June 2014, the impacts have been significant on the crude oil prices. Will this unexpected and strong decline of the prices exclude the US oil production from the market? The purpose of the event is to examine the specificities of the light tight oil business model and to discuss the wider impacts on the oil market and on “traditional” exporters.
Ifri Energy Center organizes a roundtable conference with:
Sylvie CORNOT-GANDOLPHE, Associate Research Fellow to Ifri,
Author of the Ifri study “The shale oil revolution: the ongoing test of the business model” (forthcoming)
Francis PERRIN, Chairman of Stratégies et Politiques Energétiques (SPE)
Said NACHET, Director, Paris Petroleum Seminar, IFP Training
Chaired by : Marie-Claire AOUN, Director of Ifri Center for Energy
Conseil Central de l'Economie - Room 6 - avenue d'Auderghem 20, Brussels (métro : Schuman)
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