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Do Europeans Exist?

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses

While Europe has long been an economic, juridical and institutional matter, the year 2003 (and especially the work of the Convention on the future of Europe and the debates about the plan for a future Constitution) raised the question of its human basis, at the same time clouding further reflection about this issue. At first sight, national peculiarities are so obvious that it appears difficult to identify the Europeans and to define a European identity. However, even though they are discrete, some common tendencies can be seen in mentalities and behaviors. But will it be enough to found a coherent political project with which the Europeans could identify? The question remains, especially before the EU opening to ten new countries, most of them from the East.

Claire Demesmay works as a Research Fellow at the Comité d'études des relations franco-allemandes (Cerfa) within Ifri.

This content is published in French : Les Européens existent-ils ?


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