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Reinventing the West

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses

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The divisions between Europe and America, as well as within Europe itself, took a turn in 2003 which bodes ill for the future, both in terms of the future of transatlantic relations and in terms of world stability and security. Perspectives for the world will not be improved if Europe unites against the United States or if the latter turns away from the Old Continent. The world would on the contrary be a more dangerous place. It is thus urgent to reinvent the West, a united and renewed West, aware of the differences within it as well as of the common values it holds. This West must show the rest of the world that it can act in a positive manner with concrete results in order to improve the situation, in particular with regard to the regions most torn apart by war and poverty as is the case in the Middle East and Africa.

Dominique Moïsi is a Special Advisor at Ifri.


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Dominique MOISI

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