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Will Iraqi ReconstructionTake Place?

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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The lack of preparation for postwar, the disorganization of the Coalition, the mistakes of changing strategies have created an obsession of insecurity in Iraq which limits any possibility of reconstruction. The political process is out of line with expectations, international organizations are not very present and Iraqi security services are still unable to take control. International investment is necessary but seems problematic.Gabrielle Lafarge (pseudonym) has been Associated Research Fellow at the Institut français d'études arabes of Damas (IFEAD) and has written several articles about Middle-East.

Alexandra Novosseloff, holds a Ph.D in Political Science and is Associated Research Fellow at the au Centre Thucydide of the University of Paris II-Panthéon-Assas. Specialist of United Nations and peace building, she has published with Paul Quilès (ed.), Face aux désordres du monde (Paris, Les portes du monde, 2005) and Le Conseil de sécurité et la maîtrise de la force armée (Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2003).


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