This book based on a conference on the future of the European Union, organised by Ifri in December 1997.
On December 12 and 13, 1997, Ifri and the French daily paper La Croix organised a conference entitled: 'The European Union in 2000'. This conference was supported by the European Commission.
Five main issues concerning the EU's future were addressed:
- What role for the EU in employment policies?
- Can Europe be democratic as well as far from the people?
- Is a common foreign policy possible?
- How can an enlarged Union work?
- How to make people love Europe?
Each of these issues was summarised in five texts, which have been gathered in the present volume. They offer a global view of what challenges the European Union has to face on the eve of the creation of the euro and the Eastern Enlargement.
About the authors:
ean-Louis Bourlanges is a Member of the European Parliament and the Chairman of the European Movement (France).
Daniel Cohen is a Professor of Economics at the Ecole normale supérieure (ENS, Paris)
Jean-Marie Géhenno is a Magistrate at the Cour des comptes. He was the Representative of France at the Western European Union (WEU).
Philippe Moreau Defarges is a Research Fellow at Ifri (European issues, international relations).
Thierry de Montbrial is the President of Ifri.
Dominique Wolton is a Research Director aht the CNRS.