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FRANCE CULTURE : Middle East: A War of Religion

Media coverage |

Iraq is in chaos: unleashed ancestral hatred, civil war, religious war, porous borders, embarrassed chancellery,the rise of a jihad spanning from the Sahara to the Sahel that even recruits in Europe, quick conquest by ISIS....  looking at the situation that Sunnis and Shiites face in Iraq and Syria.

In addition to renewed ancestral rivalries, war and porous borders, ISIS's rise in Iraq leaves the region in a state of utter chaos. Taking a look at the situation Sunnis and Shiites face in Iraq and Syria.  

Contenu intervention médiatique

On June 21st, Christine Ockrent was joined by Laurence Nardon, head of the United States program at IFRI, Pierre-Jean Luizard, Director of Research at CNRS, and Camille Grand, Director of the Foundation for Strategic Research on « Affaires Etrangères » on France Culture.



Laurence NARDON

Laurence NARDON

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