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The Ukraine: First Lessons - Kurdistan(s)

Issues from Politique Etrangère
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FOCUS Kurdistan(s)

Edited by Dorothée Schmid

Introduction: International Kurdish Visibility by Dorothée Schmid (read the article in French)

Kurds and the State Option by Hamit Bozarslan

Turkey: The Kurdish Movement in the “Peace Process” by Olivier Grojean

What Kurdish Policy Will the JDP Adopt by Yohanan Benhaim

The Paradoxes of the Kurdish Spring in Syria by Jordi Tejel

Iraqi Kurdistan’s Unclear Borders by Cyril Roussel


COUNTERPOINT Ukraine : first lessons

The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict Seen from Kiev by Iouri Iakimenko and Mikhaïl Pachkov

Why Russia and the EU Should Cooperate in Ukraine by Vladimir Tchernega

The Ukrainian Crisis or the European Misunderstanding by Philippe Lefort (read the article in French)



Country Risk Analysis: More than a Postmodern Discipline by Jonathan Story (read the article in English)

The Nagging Problem of State Insolvency by Norbert Gaillard (read the article in French)

Peace as War’s Goal: A Slow Rediscovery by Beatrice Heuser

Strategy in Theory by Vincent Desportes

Relations between the Holy See and the People’s Republic of China by Raphaël McFeat



Traiter avec le diable ? Les vrais enjeux de la diplomatie au xxie siècle by Pierre Grosser, by Thomas Gomart

Land of Promise. An Economic History of the United States by Michael Lind, by Patrick Chamorel


You can read in French the Editorial of Politique étrangère, Vol. 79, No. 2, Summer 2014.

You can read in French the Book reviews  of Politique étrangère, Vol. 79, No. 2, Summer 2014.



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The Ukraine: First Lessons - Kurdistan(s), from Ifri by