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African Middle Classes

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African Affairs

Conceptualizing the middle class in a developmental state: Narratives and expectations in Ethiopia

Date de publication
01 July 2018

The category ‘middle class’ was used increasingly throughout the 2010s to identify social changes occurring in African countries, including Ethiopia. However, the category itself is hard to define and has been employed to describe very diverse socio-economic dynamics.

Clélie NALLET Jean-Nicolas BACH
Image principale

New Consumption Spaces for the New Middle Classes? Shopping Centres in Abidjan

Date de publication
20 April 2018

Since 2011 and the end of the post-election crisis, Côte d’Ivoire has returned to impressive economic growth. The country and its capital are drawing attention from a growing number of investors, and the “Abidjanian middle classes” are widely publicised and sought after. 

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Defining the Middle Class in the Global South. A Quantitative Perspective from South Africa

Date de publication
13 June 2017

What makes you middle class? Is it your income, occupation, or education? Your family background or maybe the house and neighbourhood you live in? It is probably all of these things. 

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Are African Middle Classes Coming Together? The Case of Telecommunications Employees in Kinshasa

Date de publication
05 April 2017

For many observers, a change in perception of the African continent occurred in the 2010s. Attention has focused on the relatively high rates of economic growth and a high population growth associated with urban expansion; both indicators interpreted as promises of economic “emergence” leading to potential new markets.

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Identifying the Middle Classes: Diversity, Specificities and Consumption Practices Under Pressure

Date de publication
08 December 2015

The international viewpoint on the African continent has profoundly changed in the last decade. Images advertised by the media drifted from afro-pessimism - the sad fate of Africa (wars and poverty) - to afro-optimism - a brighter future for the continent.

Consumption in an Uncertain Environment: The Paradox of the African Middle Classes

Date de publication
26 March 2012

Three hundred million people belonging to the middle classes of Africa; three hundred million of potential consumers: an image of this kind is enough to make many an entrepreneur start dreaming. In fact, whereas for many years Afro-pessimism has dominated public opinion in the West, what seems to be the new trend in fashion, in both the media and economic circles, is now an exaggerated Afro-optimism.

Image de couverture de la publication
African Affairs

Conceptualizing the middle class in a developmental state: Narratives and expectations in Ethiopia

Date de publication
01 July 2018

The category ‘middle class’ was used increasingly throughout the 2010s to identify social changes occurring in African countries, including Ethiopia. However, the category itself is hard to define and has been employed to describe very diverse socio-economic dynamics.

Clélie NALLET Jean-Nicolas BACH
Image principale

New Consumption Spaces for the New Middle Classes? Shopping Centres in Abidjan

Date de publication
20 April 2018

Since 2011 and the end of the post-election crisis, Côte d’Ivoire has returned to impressive economic growth. The country and its capital are drawing attention from a growing number of investors, and the “Abidjanian middle classes” are widely publicised and sought after. 

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Defining the Middle Class in the Global South. A Quantitative Perspective from South Africa

Date de publication
13 June 2017

What makes you middle class? Is it your income, occupation, or education? Your family background or maybe the house and neighbourhood you live in? It is probably all of these things. 

Image principale

Are African Middle Classes Coming Together? The Case of Telecommunications Employees in Kinshasa

Date de publication
05 April 2017

For many observers, a change in perception of the African continent occurred in the 2010s. Attention has focused on the relatively high rates of economic growth and a high population growth associated with urban expansion; both indicators interpreted as promises of economic “emergence” leading to potential new markets.

Image principale

Identifying the Middle Classes: Diversity, Specificities and Consumption Practices Under Pressure

Date de publication
08 December 2015

The international viewpoint on the African continent has profoundly changed in the last decade. Images advertised by the media drifted from afro-pessimism - the sad fate of Africa (wars and poverty) - to afro-optimism - a brighter future for the continent.

Consumption in an Uncertain Environment: The Paradox of the African Middle Classes

Date de publication
26 March 2012

Three hundred million people belonging to the middle classes of Africa; three hundred million of potential consumers: an image of this kind is enough to make many an entrepreneur start dreaming. In fact, whereas for many years Afro-pessimism has dominated public opinion in the West, what seems to be the new trend in fashion, in both the media and economic circles, is now an exaggerated Afro-optimism.

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