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Image principale médiatique

After the success of its army in Mozambique, Rwanda expects economic rewards

11 July 2023

Companies affiliated with the powerful Crystal Ventures holding company, the financial arm of Kigali's ruling party, are already present in Mozambique.

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Hypersonic Weapons: What Are the Challenges for the Armed Forces?

Date de publication
18 June 2021

Hypersonic systems are becoming attributes of power for the states that design and implement them, at the risk of reviving an arms race.

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The Aborted Mobilisation of Jordan's Retired Servicemen

Date de publication
21 February 2020

In the last decade, Jordan has been facing a resurgence in public discontent against harsh living conditions and the corruption of the regime. 

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Regards croisés sur la guerre électronique

Date de publication
17 July 2019

Information dominance through the exploitation of the electromagnetic spectrum has become a cornerstone of military superiority. However, it is now threatened by increasingly advanced electronic warfare capabilities.

Olivier LETERTRE Patrick JUSTEL Romain LECHÂBLE Stéphane DOSSE
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La fourmilière du général : le commandement opérationnel face aux enjeux de haute intensité

Date de publication
27 June 2019

Operational command structures have always been able to adapt to the strategic context. However, they now face a new challenge: high intensity threats. 

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Les guerres contre la drogue. Armées, sécurité intérieure et narcotrafic en Amérique latine

Date de publication
03 September 2018

In the context of a persistent impunity enjoyed by organized crime and drug trafficking groups, many countries in Latin America, and especially Mexico and Colombia, have opted to assign military personnel to internal security tasks.

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Entry Operations and the Future of Strategic Autonomy

Date de publication
18 December 2017

The ability to penetrate remote and contested theaters of operation is a crucial asset for any expeditionary military power.

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Reforming Ukrainian Defense: No Shortage of Challenges

Date de publication
22 May 2017

Ukraine’s conflict with Russia has highlighted the catastrophic state of Ukraine’s defense apparatus.

Isabelle FACON

Operation Sangaris: A Case Study in Limited Military Intervention

Date de publication
27 October 2016

The French Army's Sangaris Operation in Central African Republic proved successful despite it being first undermined. 

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L'avenir de la surprise tactique à l'heure de la numérisation

Date de publication
07 July 2016

Surprise is a crucial dimension of military tactics, which stems from incertitude inherent to war.

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Regards croisés sur la guerre électronique

Date de publication
17 July 2019

Information dominance through the exploitation of the electromagnetic spectrum has become a cornerstone of military superiority. However, it is now threatened by increasingly advanced electronic warfare capabilities.

Olivier LETERTRE Patrick JUSTEL Romain LECHÂBLE Stéphane DOSSE
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La fourmilière du général : le commandement opérationnel face aux enjeux de haute intensité

Date de publication
27 June 2019

Operational command structures have always been able to adapt to the strategic context. However, they now face a new challenge: high intensity threats. 

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Entry Operations and the Future of Strategic Autonomy

Date de publication
18 December 2017

The ability to penetrate remote and contested theaters of operation is a crucial asset for any expeditionary military power.

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Reforming Ukrainian Defense: No Shortage of Challenges

Date de publication
22 May 2017

Ukraine’s conflict with Russia has highlighted the catastrophic state of Ukraine’s defense apparatus.

Isabelle FACON
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L'avenir de la surprise tactique à l'heure de la numérisation

Date de publication
07 July 2016

Surprise is a crucial dimension of military tactics, which stems from incertitude inherent to war.

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Deploying the Bundeswehr: more transparency, more flexibility, but Parliament’s consent remains key - The Rühe Commission’s final report

Date de publication
17 June 2015

Besides the often invoked historical dimension behind Germany’s strategic culture of restraint, there are today very tangible legal reasons that prevent assertive German military interventionism (which are, of course, directly linked to the historical dimension): any intervention of the German armed forces requires the Bundestag’s consent. 

Racial integration - Lessons from the U.S. Army

Date de publication
06 February 2012

On Friday, the 13th of January, 2012, the Center for Migrations and Citizenship welcomed 3-star U.S. Army General Bostick as a speaker of its international conference: "Business and the State: Migration Policies, Diversity and Integration".

3-star U.S. Army General BOSTICK
Image principale médiatique

After the success of its army in Mozambique, Rwanda expects economic rewards

11 July 2023

Companies affiliated with the powerful Crystal Ventures holding company, the financial arm of Kigali's ruling party, are already present in Mozambique.

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Ramses Conference, 2024