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From Cuba to Ukraine: Strategic Signaling and Nuclear Deterrence

Date de publication
03 December 2024

Strategic signaling—the range of signs and maneuvers intended, in peace time, to lend credibility to any threat to use nuclear weapons—is back.

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visuel couverture PE3-2024

Artificial Intelligence, or The Race for Power

Date de publication
10 September 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay, and its use is spreading at a rate that is difficult to comprehend.

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Why Chinese Fintechs Have Failed to Reshuffle International Finance

Date de publication
04 March 2024

New Chinese financial technologies, including unparalleled electronic payment systems, have so far failed to threaten U.S. financial dominance.

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TB2 Bayraktar: Big Strategy for a Little Drone

Date de publication
17 April 2023

Since 2016, the tactical drone TB2 Bayraktar—“standard bearer” in Turkish—has received considerable media attention, particularly during the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020. Thanks to Azerbaijan’s victory over its neighbor Armenia, the drone, manufactured by Baykar, is now a proven combat system with increasing numbers of export clients.

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European Strategic Autonomy and the Green Transition: What Industrial and Technological Strategies? (Replay)

02 March 2023

The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and consequent supply chain disruptions in the energy sector have exposed critical vulnerabilities in the European Union’s broader strategic autonomy agenda and bolstered efforts at lessening strategic dependency on third states in a variety of areas , from raw materials, batteries and active pharmaceutical ingredients to hydrogen, semiconductors, and cloud and edge technologies.

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The Technology Policies of Digital Middle Powers

Date de publication
24 February 2023

Digital technology is an element of power in the international system as well as an area for competition among countries. The study provides a qualitative comparison of the technology policies of nine of the digital middle powers: Brazil, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, Russia, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. It seeks to reflect the diversity of national technology policies, as well as to identify those countries’ convergences and divergences with Europe, the United States and China. 


We need to talk about Xi Jinping: G7’s discord over powerful trading partner

27 October 2022

Disagreements have opened up about strategy when China is also seen as an existential threat. Western powers in the G7 group of nations are failing to coordinate their China strategies, senior western officials admit, adding that the need to do so has been given sharp impetus by Xi Jinping’s consolidation of power at this month’s Communist party congress.

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Critical technologies and industrial capabilities: National definitions and implications. The French case.

Date de publication
01 September 2022

France  has  historically  paid  significant  attention  to  strategic  technologies  and  industries,  whether they were strictly defence- and nuclear deterrence related, or considered as vectors of national independence and security, more broadly.

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Deus ex machina : les enjeux de l’autonomisation des systèmes d’armes

Date de publication
24 May 2022

While the automatization of machines is part of an already long historical, conceptual, and technical trajectory, the exponential progress of artificial intelligence techniques, robotics and their military applications suggest the emergence of systems that integrate more autonomy. Indeed, despite campaigns calling for a moratorium on autonomous weapons, most military powers are developing programs focused on autonomy. 

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From Cuba to Ukraine: Strategic Signaling and Nuclear Deterrence

Date de publication
03 December 2024

Strategic signaling—the range of signs and maneuvers intended, in peace time, to lend credibility to any threat to use nuclear weapons—is back.

Image de couverture de la publication
visuel couverture PE3-2024

Artificial Intelligence, or The Race for Power

Date de publication
10 September 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay, and its use is spreading at a rate that is difficult to comprehend.

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Why Chinese Fintechs Have Failed to Reshuffle International Finance

Date de publication
04 March 2024

New Chinese financial technologies, including unparalleled electronic payment systems, have so far failed to threaten U.S. financial dominance.

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TB2 Bayraktar: Big Strategy for a Little Drone

Date de publication
17 April 2023

Since 2016, the tactical drone TB2 Bayraktar—“standard bearer” in Turkish—has received considerable media attention, particularly during the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020. Thanks to Azerbaijan’s victory over its neighbor Armenia, the drone, manufactured by Baykar, is now a proven combat system with increasing numbers of export clients.

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The Technology Policies of Digital Middle Powers

Date de publication
24 February 2023

Digital technology is an element of power in the international system as well as an area for competition among countries. The study provides a qualitative comparison of the technology policies of nine of the digital middle powers: Brazil, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, Russia, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. It seeks to reflect the diversity of national technology policies, as well as to identify those countries’ convergences and divergences with Europe, the United States and China. 

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Critical technologies and industrial capabilities: National definitions and implications. The French case.

Date de publication
01 September 2022

France  has  historically  paid  significant  attention  to  strategic  technologies  and  industries,  whether they were strictly defence- and nuclear deterrence related, or considered as vectors of national independence and security, more broadly.

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European Strategic Autonomy and the Green Transition: What Industrial and Technological Strategies? (Replay)

02 March 2023

The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and consequent supply chain disruptions in the energy sector have exposed critical vulnerabilities in the European Union’s broader strategic autonomy agenda and bolstered efforts at lessening strategic dependency on third states in a variety of areas , from raw materials, batteries and active pharmaceutical ingredients to hydrogen, semiconductors, and cloud and edge technologies.

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference, 2024