Towards Health for All in Côte d'Ivoire? The Universal Health Coverage as a Means to Redefine the State and to Legitimize the Regime

Based on a field survey carried out in Côte d'Ivoire as part of the research program “Faire des politiques publiques en Afrique”, the author questions the genesis of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in the field of global health and its appropriation in the Ivorian context.

This process is put into perspective with a more general socio-history of the Ivorian state. UHC, while being partially the result of the country’s alignment with certain global health standards, is the subject of intense political investment. Thus, it is in the center of the electoral game and constitutes one of Alassane Ouattara’s major commitment. The latter seeks to demonstrate its action in favor of the most precarious populations, remaining for the time isolated from the economic benefits of the country's growth. Despite all the limitations discussed in this article, UHC in Côte d'Ivoire appears to be more advanced than in other West African countries. It is also at the heart of issues that go far beyond the perimeter of the space that circumscribes it as public policy. In this perspective, it becomes an observatory of much more global phenomena such as the attempt to restore its legitimacy by the Ivorian political regime or the redefinition of the borders between the public and the private.
This content is available in French : Vers la santé pour tous en Côte d’Ivoire ? La Couverture sanitaire universelle comme enjeu de redéfinition de l’État et de légitimation du régime