A World of Law? / France and Germany: What's Behind the Mask
What is the role of law in international relations today that increasingly seem to favour assertions of power?

Law is both a method of organization, an instrument to balance brute force and a means of power. This new issue of Politique étrangère sheds light on all these aspects, through the examples of the International Criminal Court, the “extraterritoriality” of US law, the complex basis of European law, or need to regulate the Internet. Law is necessary for the move towards an international society, but it is not enough in itself.
Behind the professed Franco-German agreements, disagreements are mounting. The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle reaffirms the areas of cooperation without any real new advance. More fundamentally, what unites French and German strategies today? Can the legacy of decades of co-operation extend beyond the affirmation of similar, or even differing national interests? The Contrechamps column in this issue asks the question: what keeps the Franco-German partnership going today, and also, does it really work behind the faded smiles on display?
Sudan and South Africa: how is Africa building its transition and democratisation models? Should we create a European intelligence agency? And will we ever know the cause of the crash that killed Dag Hammarskjöld? Once again, Politique étrangère explores the many facets of international life.
Law in the International System: More than Just a Tool?, by Philippe Moreau Defarges
Does the International Criminal Court Still Have a Role to Play on the Global Stage?, by Joël Hubrecht
Law: An Economic and Geopolitical Weapon of the United States, by Marion Leblanc-Wohrer
The European Legal Sphere: European and National Law, by Bernard Stirn
The Law Catches Up with the Internet, by Maryline Grange
The Aachen Treaty: The Promise of Convergence for a Divided Couple, by Hans Stark
Paris and Berlin: History and the Long Term, by Dominique David
Sudan: Transitional Challenges Following the Fall of Omar al-Bashir, by Anne-Laure Mahé
South Africa: A Fragile Democratic Model?, by Victor Magnani
Do We Need a European Intelligence Agency?, by Éric Mechoulan
Trump, Europe, and NATO: Back to the Future, by Seth A. Johnston
France and Iranian Nuclear Policy: Administrative Issues and Foreign Policy, by Guillaume Beaud
Who Killed Dag Hammarskjöld? Sisyphus in New York, by Maurice Vaïsse
Peuplecratie. La métamorphose de nos démocraties, by Ilvo Diamanti and Marc Lazar
Les origines du populisme. Enquête sur un schisme politique et social, by Yann Algan, Élisabeth Beasley, Daniel Cohen and Martial Foucault
Le populisme en Europe centrale et orientale. Un avertissement pour le monde ?, by Roman Krakovsky
By Éric-André Martin