U.S. Defense Policy
Despite the rise of China, the United States remains the world's leading military power. Present on all continents, they are the most technologically advanced.
Trump’s Indo-Pacific and European Strategies: Change or Continuity?
An interview with Kelly Grieco, Senior Fellow at the Stimson Center, in which she explains what changes and continuities might the future Trump administration bring to U.S. alliances and Indo-Pacific strategy.
Japan’s Enhanced Security Engagement With the Pacific Islands
The expansion of security and defense cooperation stands as the most spectacular change in Japan’s contribution to the region in recent years.
The Future of Nuclear Proliferation after the War in Ukraine
In the context of deep changes to the international security environment, especially the war in Ukraine, the risks of nuclear proliferation seem quite high, especially in the Middle East and East Asia.
France as a convening power in the Pacific: The Nouméa SPDMM
A little known regional dialogue offers France and other countries a chance to contribute to the “Pacific way”.

How Rwanda Became Africa’s Policeman
From Benin to Mozambique, President Paul Kagame is flexing his small country’s military muscle—and transforming the continent’s security landscape.
The historical heritage of AUKUS: Australia-United States-United Kingdom relations since 1900
The signing of the AUKUS partnership agreement between Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom in September 2021 seems to have reconstituted a natural coalition between “Anglo-Saxon” states. This solidarity generates contradictory judgments.
Why Should NATO Care About China? A Japanese Perspective
When we look back and think about some of the decisive moments in the West’s attitude towards China, it is rather symbolic that all goes back to Tiananmen Square, 1989.
A New Japan-France Strategic Partnership: A View from Paris
On the occasion of the conference held on the 22 November 2018 marking the 160th anniversary of Franco-Japanese diplomatic relations, Ifri publishes two parallel articles offering French and Japanese perspectives on the bilateral security partnership. Michito Tsuruoka's analysis of Japan's point of view is available here.
A New Japan-France Strategic Partnership: A View from Tokyo
On the occasion of the conference held on the 22 November 2018 marking the 160th anniversary of Franco-Japanese diplomatic relations, Ifri publishes two parallel articles offering French and Japanese perspectives on the bilateral security partnership. Céline Pajon’s analysis of French point of view is available here.
Japan’s Enhanced Security Engagement With the Pacific Islands
The expansion of security and defense cooperation stands as the most spectacular change in Japan’s contribution to the region in recent years.
The Future of Nuclear Proliferation after the War in Ukraine
In the context of deep changes to the international security environment, especially the war in Ukraine, the risks of nuclear proliferation seem quite high, especially in the Middle East and East Asia.
France as a convening power in the Pacific: The Nouméa SPDMM
A little known regional dialogue offers France and other countries a chance to contribute to the “Pacific way”.
Why Should NATO Care About China? A Japanese Perspective
When we look back and think about some of the decisive moments in the West’s attitude towards China, it is rather symbolic that all goes back to Tiananmen Square, 1989.
La guerre nucléaire limitée : un renouveau stratégique américain
Over the past few years, a debate on possible scenarios of limited nuclear weapons use has surfaced again in the United States. Russian nuclear saber-rattling since 2014 and the growing tensions in the Korean peninsula have led Washington to reassess its own ability to deter, or respond to, such a limited use of nuclear weapons.

How Rwanda Became Africa’s Policeman
From Benin to Mozambique, President Paul Kagame is flexing his small country’s military muscle—and transforming the continent’s security landscape.
Trump’s Indo-Pacific and European Strategies: Change or Continuity?
An interview with Kelly Grieco, Senior Fellow at the Stimson Center, in which she explains what changes and continuities might the future Trump administration bring to U.S. alliances and Indo-Pacific strategy.
Support independent French research
Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.