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After Enron. Wall Street and Corporate Gouvernance

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Corps analyses

Following the financial scandals of 2002 -Enron, WorldCom, etc.- US public authorities and various interested parties associated with the financial markets took a number of measures designed to restore investor confidence. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act introduced major accounting and governance reforms for listed companies. In addition to this Act, several other regulatory texts have been introduced, particularly in the area of accounting norms. These new measures have many practical implications for the daily running of US companies, which have had to adapt to the changes as they have been introduced over the past few months. The effectiveness, that is to say the impact that they have on restoring confidence, will have to be assessed over the long term.

This content is published in French - Après Enron. Wall Street et le gouvernement d'entreprise


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After Enron. Wall Street and Corporate Gouvernance, from Ifri by