The 2020 Campaign and the Impeachment Process. Conference video
The Democratic Party primary campaign is in full swing and the Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump proceeds speedily. What is the state of American public opinion less than a year before the elections? How are conservative and progressive media lining up to cover the event?

This panel was part of Ifri's 18th Annual Conference on the United States, "One more year or 5 more years?" held on December 6, 2019.
- John Zogby, Senior Partner, John Zogby Strategies LLC and Founder, The Zogby Poll
- Sébastien Mort, Associate Professor of American Studies at Université de Lorraine in Metz, France
- Adam Nossiter, Chief of the Paris Bureau, The New York Times
Moderator: Laure Mandeville, International Correspondent, Le Figaro