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Research Fellow (until November 2014)
Yann-Sven Rittelmeyer was research fellow at the Cerfa until September 2014
He holds a Master's degree in European studies as well as a graduate certificate in research formation from the Institute of European Studies of Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). He also holds a Master degree from Institut d’études politiques de Strasbourg and has spent one academic year at Freie Universität Berlin. Moreover, he holds a PhD in political science from ULB.
In addition, he has gained a notable professional experience by working in European or French public organizations (European Commission, European Parliament, French Embassy in Berlin).
He has published several books (The European Council and European Governance. The commanding heights of the EU, Routledge, 2013, co-edited with François Foret; Despre Parlamentul European, democratizare şi democraţie, Iasi, Editura Institutul European, 2011, written with Nathalie Brack, Ramona Coman and Cristina Stanculescu; Les Sommets restreints et l’Union européenne, L’Harmatten, 2006) and published regularly articles covering European as well as French-German issues.
Research axes:
- French-German relations: summits, leaders, French and German news
- European Integration: European Council, Presidency of the European Council, turning presidencies, institutional debates
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