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Associate Research Fellow, Sub-Saharan Africa Center, Ifri

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Research Areas:

  • Lake Tchad, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Madagascar
  • Safety, country risk
  • Corporate Social Responsability
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Subsaharan Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa Center
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Biographie En

Mathieu Pellerin is manager of the CISCA company (Centre d’Intelligence Stratégique sur le Continent Africain). He provides analyses on country risk, geostrategy and economic intelligence over the African continent for the benefit of major firms and French and international institutions. He mainly covers Sahel (Mali, Niger, Libya, and Mauritania), Madagascar and Ghana, and works on cross-disciplinary dynamics: counterterrorism, geopolitics of conflicts, dynamics of Sino-African relationships and the issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR). He is also editor-in-chief of  Sécurité & Stratégie review.
Graduated with a Masters in Economic Intelligence (IRIS) and a Masters in African Studies (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), he has acquired experiences with an economic intelligence agency based in Paris (Risk& Co), the Africa department of the French Foreign Ministry, the Energy company Total and within the NGO Green, based in Madagascar. 



Book: "Gérer les risques criminels en entreprise" (with Alain Juillet & Olivier Hassid), De Boeck, 2012

  • "Les bouleversements de la crise libyenne", Ramses, 2012
  • "Les conséquences de la crise libyenne dans la région sahélienne", Politique Etrangère, 2012/4. 
  • "La démocratie ghanéenne face au défi pétrolier", Ifri Notes, September 2011
  • "Le renforcement des relations bilatérales Chine - Madagascar", Ifri Notes, March 2011
  • "L'Afrique entre afroptimisme et afropessimisme : l'afroréalisme", Afrique Magazine, Numéro Spécial, February 2011
  • "Démystification des relations entre la Chine et l'Afrique", Afrique Magazine, Numéro Spécial, Ferbuary 2011
  • "Les enjeux sécuritaires du rivage sahélien", Sécurité & Stratégie, November 2010
  • "La Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises : un engagement éthique au service de leur sûreté", Sécurité et Stratégie, June 2010
  • "Le Sociétal : un outil de sûreté des entreprises", Sécurité & Stratégie, June 2010
  • "Madagascar : un conflit d'entrepreneurs ?", Politique africaine, n°113, March 2009
  • "La crise malgache", Actuelles de l'Ifri : L'Afrique en questions n° 5, March 2009

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference, 2024
Analysis from Mathieu PELLERIN
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Self-defense Groups, the Pyromaniac Firefighters of Sahel

Date de publication
14 December 2022

Since 2012, the proliferation of jihadist groups across the Sahel has monopolized the attention of the authorities.forced by the threats they represent and the weakening of their regal power, states are gradually withdrawing from their peripheral rural territories. As a result, populations have organized themselves to become local security providers.

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Armed Violence in the Sahara. Are We Moving From Jihadism to Insurgency?

Date de publication
20 December 2019

While everyone is questioning the effectiveness of the anti-terrorist response in the Sahel, the first challenge is to ensure that the jihadist phenomenon in the Sahel is fully understood. 

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The Niger-Libya Border: Securing It without Stabilising It?

Date de publication
30 November 2018

Often described as an “ungoverned area”, the Niger-Libya border is nevertheless at the centre of major economic, political and security challenges. Both the Libyan authorities and the Nigerien state are struggling to establish tight control over this particularly isolated area. 

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Madagascar Dealing with Multi-Faceted Crime

Date de publication
21 March 2017

Has Madagascar really emerged from the crisis which started in 2009? In purely formal terms, it is customary to consider that the December 2013 presidential election ended a political sequence of relative institutional paralysis since the coup in March 2009 and the transitional regime then put in place. 

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Ghana and the Oil Sector: Beyond the Resource Curse?

Date de publication
28 September 2015

Four years after the Jubilee block went into production, we can make an initial assessment of the governance of Ghana’s oil resources. In terms of its institutional structure, Ghana is seen as a model for the entire continent.

The Recent Blossoming in Relations between China and Madagascar

Date de publication
20 February 2012

The question of the Chinese presence in Madagascar is very accurate. It is an opportunity for us to portray the sino-madagarscan relations.

Madagascar Crisis

Date de publication
23 February 2009

Summary: The scale of the violence which has hit Madagascar has taken many commentators by surprise. However, early warning signs were visible over the last few months. The origin of this crisis can be linked to President Ravalomanana's management of political, economic and social issues coming into disrepute. There are numerous similarities with the 2002 political crisis even if strong nuances are also present. Mathieu Pellerin, journalist and consultant, details the political, social and economic divisions which have ripped Madagascan society apart and personal rivalries between Madagascar's president and Antananarivo's mayor. Text in English will be available very soon.

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