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Turkish-French relations

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The French-Greek Partnership: Beyond The Eastern Mediterranean.

04 March 2022

This week, Ifri, in partnership with CATS Network, is launching a series of five videos on the tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, seen through the prism of the geopolitical rivalry between France and Turkey. 

Image principale médiatique

The French Military's Perception of the Turkish Military and Turkey's Expansion in the EastMed.

03 March 2022

This week, Ifri, in partnership with CATS Network, is launching a series of five videos on the tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, seen through the prism of the geopolitical rivalry between France and Turkey. 

Image principale médiatique

Conflicts in the EastMed: from Germany's and France's Conflicting Strategies to a Dual Approach.

01 March 2022

This week, Ifri, in partnership with CATS Network, is launching a series of five videos on the tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, seen through the prism of the geopolitical rivalry between France and Turkey. 

Image principale médiatique

France/Turkey in the EastMed: a Closer Look at the Rivalry between the Two Countries.

28 February 2022

This week, Ifri, in partnership with CATS Network, is launching a series of five videos on the tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, seen through the prism of the geopolitical rivalry between France and Turkey. 


Franco-Turkish visions of a Republic. Interview with Baskin ORAN

Date de publication
20 May 2011

For a long time, the Turkish Republic created by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was regarded by France's elites and political class as a sister republic: secular and Jacobin, the concrete embodiment of the universalism of the shared values of the French Revolution. However, the political change that has occurred since the AKP has come to office has questioned these classical republican convictions.

Dorothée SCHMID Baskin ORAN

Updating the Debate on Turkey in France, on the 2009 European Elections' Time

Date de publication
12 January 2011

Turkey has become a recurrent issue in France's domestic political debate, following the referendum campaign on the European Consti­tutional Treaty in spring 2005. While the question of Turkish EU membership is itself a point of discussion, evoking Turkey also tou­ches on other sensitive political issues in France. It elicits controversy that goes beyond the Left-Right cleavage. In this article, Alain Chenal* studies the trend in the evolution of the debate during the campaign for the European elections in June 2009.

Dorothée Schmid, Head of the Contemporary Turkey Program at the IFRI


Turkey's "French Problem"

Date de publication
07 May 2010

For several years the French-Turkish bilateral relationship is experiencing a phase of crisis and readjustments.

Semih IDIZ

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference, 2024